Sugar Value Chain Holding

Afra Sweet plays a key role in Iran’s sugar industry.

Core Activities:

  • Sugar Processing: Refining raw sugar for purification, production, and packaging is a primary focus of Afra Sweet.
  • Refining Operations: The Varamin Sugar Factory, one of the oldest sugar refineries in the country, provides its expertise.
هلدینگ افرا

Novin Khalije Fars Sugar Refinery

A significant national project currently under construction.
Key Project Details:

  • Capacity: Planned to produce one million tons of sugar per year upon completion.
  • Land Area: Approximately 21 hectares.
  • Employment: Directly employing over 550 people.
  • Construction Progress: Approximately 70% complete.
  • Launch Time: Expected to be operational in two phases starting in 2024.
هلدینگ افرا

Varamin Sugar Refinery

Varamin Sugar Refinery is one of the oldest sugar factories in Iran.

  • Location: Varamin County
  • Core Activities: Refining, producing, and packaging sugar.
  • Area: 15 hectares.
  • Employment: Directly employing over 450 people.
هلدینگ یکپارچه زنجیره‌های ارزش غذایی افرا